Data & Statistics
A study cited by the National Autistic Society suggests there are over 700,000 people in the UK with autism – more than 1 in every 100 individuals. Based on this prevalence, it is estimated that there are approximately 7,500 autistic people living with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Lincolnshire.
Lincolnshire All Ages Strategy
In response to the national autism strategy, Lincolnshire’s All-Age Autism Strategy 2015-2018 was launched in April 2015. The decision to produce a strategy for children, young people and adults with autism was based on feedback received as part of a 3-month public consultation
Lincolnshire Autistic Society
The Society is established to build awareness and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders (and conditions related to autism) in order to improve the quality of life and outcomes for children and adults, their parents and carers living with the conditions
Autism Partnership Board
Lincolnshire Autistic Society sits on the Autism Partnership Board. The Partnership representation from health and social care, from both adults and children’s services, from education, as well as other mainstream public services, voluntary sector organisations, and their families/carers.
What’s on? Local events
There are always a wide range of events happening across the county, from small informal support group meetings, conferences and autism friendly entertainment events
“The A Team”
The Involvement Working Group, known informally as the ‘A-Team Network’, predominantly consists of autistic people and ensures that decisions made within the Autism Partnership are co-produced.